Race: Rhizanth Age: 16 Birthday: 22nd of Souzamoon Likes: Festival events, doing play-by-plays Dislikes: Stillness and silence, Professor Edward Role Model: The mage with the explosive voice, Bullhorn Jay Deepest Dungeon Floor Reached: 5th Equipment: Darkclamor wand Skill: Voice amplification magic (Source: Episode 5 Eyecatcher)
Race: Rhizanth Age: 16 Birthday: 22nd of Souzamoon Likes: Festival events, doing play-by-plays Dislikes: Stillness and silence, Professor Edward Role Model: The mage with the explosive voice, Bullhorn Jay Deepest Dungeon Floor Reached: 5th Equipment: Darkclamor wand Skill: Voice amplification magic (Source: Episode 5 Eyecatcher)