Paiway Underberg is the ship nurse under Duelo, though her uniform looks more like a frenchmaid's outfit than a nurse's. Prior to the appearance of the men she was the ship's only doctor. During the first season, she spent her free time trying to exploit the bad habits of the male crew members and would secretly keep tabs on the men and either jot down notes in her journal or take pictures with her camera, which she refers to as "Pai-checks." This would soon pay off and sparked a raid that got all the men, including the drifter Rabat, locked up for a while. However, she stops this after a combination of seeing Dita's reaction to Hibiki's imprisonment and the discovery that men and women were of the same species, but she resumes her activities anyway. She carries a frog hand puppet with her all the time and is often seen talking to people with it in a gruff low pitched voice. She is usuaually either seen with Duelo or spying on everyone. At the end of season 2 she gave in the impulse and flicked Duelo's hair up to see his face, and apparently thought him rather handsome.. She is Voiced by Sandy Fox, & Candice Arellano in Filipino dub. (Source: Wikipedia)
Paiway Underberg is the ship nurse under Duelo, though her uniform looks more like a frenchmaid's outfit than a nurse's. Prior to the appearance of the men she was the ship's only doctor. During the first season, she spent her free time trying to exploit the bad habits of the male crew members and would secretly keep tabs on the men and either jot down notes in her journal or take pictures with her camera, which she refers to as "Pai-checks." This would soon pay off and sparked a raid that got all the men, including the drifter Rabat, locked up for a while. However, she stops this after a combination of seeing Dita's reaction to Hibiki's imprisonment and the discovery that men and women were of the same species, but she resumes her activities anyway. She carries a frog hand puppet with her all the time and is often seen talking to people with it in a gruff low pitched voice. She is usuaually either seen with Duelo or spying on everyone. At the end of season 2 she gave in the impulse and flicked Duelo's hair up to see his face, and apparently thought him rather handsome.. She is Voiced by Sandy Fox, & Candice Arellano in Filipino dub. (Source: Wikipedia)