TorchMan, known as FireMan in Japan, is the NetNavi of Mr. Match and former antagonist in the MegaMan NT Warrior anime series. In the first season of the anime, TorchMan, along with ElecMan, WackoMan, and MagicMan worked for the WWW alongside their operators where they caused chaos for society and clashed with Lan Hikari and MegaMan. After the WWW is defeated and Grave rises in its place, TorchMan is deleted by FreezeMan and replaced by HeatMan temporarily, until he is revived. From that point on TorchMan and Mr. Match (as well as the other WWW members) become more like allies and friends to Lan and MegaMan, aiding them on several occasions against other criminal organizations and even hanging out with them, though they often wish for the return of Dr. Wily and WWW's revival.<br /> <br /> (Source: Mega Man Knowledge Base)<br /><br />