緋村 剣心
緋村 剣心
Kenshin Himura


Age: 28<br /> Birthday: June 20, 1849<br /> Height: 158 cm<br /> Weight: 48 kg<br /> <br /> Kenshin Himura, also known throughout the anime as Hitokiri Battousai (Battousai the Manslayer) or Himura the Battousai is the main character of the anime series Rurouni Kenshin. His original name was Shinta (心太). His parents died of cholera when he was very young and as a result, was adopted by three slave women in a traveling slave wagon. Soon after meeting them, bandits had raided the convoy and killed his three new guardians and were about to kill him when a man named Seijuro Hiko killed the bandits. Hiko soon adopted the child and because Shinta was not a name fitted for a swordman, he renamed him Kenshin, meaning &quot;Heart of Sword,&quot; took him under his wing and taught him the Hiten Mitsuruugi Ryu.<br /> <br />