

He is the current King of the Celestial World who sets up this whole tournament. As shown in the anime, God is a pervert who likes women and drinking. In a flashback, he was inspired to start the tournament, due to the actions of Ueki&#039;s adoptive mother, Haruko Ueki, who at the time was a high school student just before she died.<br /> <br /> He started the tournament to give all beings, whether human or heavenly being, a chance to create their own futures. Although his front is a mindless idiot who likes to slack off, he actually very wise and powerful. According to a text box in the English manga, he lives in a skyscraper in the USA.<br /> <br /> He&#039;s considered the best King of the Celestial World in history, which is a fact that he is very proud of.<br /> <br /> Although he was pierced by Anon&#039;s Ranma, he survived and was later shown in hospital, and also managed to restore some of the years to Robert&#039;s life that Anon had used up.<br /> <br /> <br /><br />