Charlotte Evans


Charlotte Evans is one of the main protagonists of the series I&#039;m Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness.<br /> <br /> She is a former &quot;disgraced&quot; noble who escaped from her ex-fianc&eacute;, the second prince of the Kingdom of Neruz, Cecil, who falsely accused her of the crime (which she never did) of attempting to assassinate the king. <br /> <br /> Charlotte as described by Allen Crawford, is an extremely pure, honest, and genuine person. She does not bear any hatred towards the Duke&#039;s family even after they falsely accused her of various crimes that she did not commit. At first, when Allen offered to take her in as a housekeeper, she hesitated as she felt that she might be a burden to him, but eventually accepted after Allen placed a death curse on himself and refused to remove it unless she accepted his offer. <br /> <br /> (Source: Konyakuhaki Sareta Reijou wo Hirotta Ore ga Wiki)<br /><br />