



Height: 5&#039;11&quot;<br /> Weight: 150 lbs<br /> Blood type: A<br /> Birthplace: Spain<br /> Birthday: January 28th<br /> Eye color: formerly blue<br /> Hobbies: attempting to understand the language of flowers<br /> Favorite thing: pride, Millia<br /> Dislikes: women<br /> Weapon: Eddie<br /> <br /> The former leader of the Assassin&#039;s Guild, now revived after once experiencing death.<br /> <br /> Before his resurrection, he was a calm and thoughtful person. However, after all he went through, he ended up unable to feel an emotional response to anything.<br /> He no longer finds significance in anything in his life, be it good or bad, nor can he feel joy or anger.<br /> The closest he gets to feeling emotion would be his feelings for Millia.<br /> <br /> (Source: Official website)<br /><br />