Setsuna Ran is the collective name of the three eldest Ran brothers, who are triplets acting as a single entity to lead the Ran clan. Their individual names are Yuki, Tsuki, and Hana. Only the oldest triplet, Yuki, is married; although his wife can recognize him, even she can't tell the other two apart. Ryuuki refers to them as the "sleeping dragons". In Saiunkoku, multiple births were usually seen as bad luck, causing such infants to be killed at birth, but their father spared their lives and raised them to become indistinguishable from one another. They were taught by Shoka Hong in their childhood and grew close to him, but they still don't get along with Reishin. Fourteen years before the story begins, the triplets lived in the capital and served as a government official (in their collective identity of "Setsuna Ran"). After Emperor Senka became ill and the succession dispute fell into chaos, the triplets returned to their home and never returned.<br /> <br /> When their youngest brother was given the name Ryuren at the age of four, the triplets took it upon themselves to let him grow without the influence of other clans. They assumed the leadership of the Ran clan, causing a stir in the country because for the first time more than one person was appointed as head of one of the Eight Honorable Clans. They sent Shuei to the capital as a young boy, and later allowed Ryūren to wander across the country on the condition that he would take one of the top three places in the Imperial Exams.<br /> <br />