Isami Tahara


Isami Tahara is the NPC created by Akira Oono (Kunai, Hakuto) of the series Maou-sama, Retry!. A man whom Kunai Hakuto called genius when he summoned him. He is a top tier soldier at heart, and has a lot of experience leading people. His wide range of weapons make him extremely challenging opponent against anyone who dares stand in his way. Tahara is usually teasing people with a smirk on his face, and his attitude is the very definition of lack of energy. His ability to provoke people is also uselessly high. It feels like he has a lax expression, but at the same time it is a poker face, and for the enemy, he is a character that is hard to grasp. Tahara has a little sister far younger than him, and the setting is that he entered the committee and does the dirty work to earn the money for his sister&rsquo;s upbringing. He is a good person at heart, but he shows no mercy to enemies at all. By the way, he has a serious case of siscon, practically a disease. He categorizes women as &#039;Manami&#039; and &#039;the others&#039;, so he has reached a summit where even doctors would throw the towel. His presence is highly reassuring for Kunai, since he knows that with Tahara being there he doesnt need to worry about security.<br /> <br /> (Source: Maou-sama, Retry! Wiki)<br /><br />