Dr. Achimoff is a recurring antagonist in Doraemon Game Comic: The☆Doraemons series. He's responsible for the abduction of The Doraemons and the purloin of their Bestfriend Telecard. His right eye happened to be artificial. He built and lives inside a massive hovering fortress; where he spends his days conducting research on building a robot with the purpose of World Domination. (Source: Doraemon Wiki)
Dr. Achimoff is a recurring antagonist in Doraemon Game Comic: The☆Doraemons series. He's responsible for the abduction of The Doraemons and the purloin of their Bestfriend Telecard. His right eye happened to be artificial. He built and lives inside a massive hovering fortress; where he spends his days conducting research on building a robot with the purpose of World Domination. (Source: Doraemon Wiki)