Mana Kase


Mana is an active DJ who spends her time performing overseas in America. With a cheerful and easygoing personality, and having lots of friends, she has the appearance of an elegant &quot;big sister&quot;, but actually has an assertive, straightforward side of herself and can be rather outspoken. She loves the outdoors and her favorite hobby is solo camping.<br /> <br /> Eight years prior to the events of the main story, Mana formed a DJ unit comprised of Amano Airi, Himegami Shano, Takao Toka, and herself. They were incredibly popular; however, creative differences arose among them which resulted in the unit&#039;s disbandment. Out of this split came Scarlet Canary, which continued work as an underground on-campus unit.<br /> <br /> (Source: Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ Wiki)<br /><br />