Wandering from Memphis, this traveler comes across the only establishment still operational, a bar/inn themed around sailor suits, in the desolate town of Neo Cansas. There, she gets acquainted with the bar's owner and learns that the town has been recently ransacked by a gang of bandits, led by a man known as Zack. After a passionate night with the waitress Mai, she sets out to fight Zack and his henchmen after they kidnap the girls from the bar.<br /><br />
Wandering from Memphis, this traveler comes across the only establishment still operational, a bar/inn themed around sailor suits, in the desolate town of Neo Cansas. There, she gets acquainted with the bar's owner and learns that the town has been recently ransacked by a gang of bandits, led by a man known as Zack. After a passionate night with the waitress Mai, she sets out to fight Zack and his henchmen after they kidnap the girls from the bar.<br /><br />