

Kogechibi lives in the library, and looks like a four-inch (102 mm) -tall Eve, though with different colored eyes. &quot;Koge&quot; refers to the one-eyed cloak that covers all of her but the eyes. In the game, when the main character is occupying &quot;Koge&quot;, the girl is referred to as &quot;O-chibi-chan&quot; (&quot;o&quot; being an honorific and &quot;chan&quot; an endearment). Kogechibi&#039;s vocabulary is composed of unintellible sounds akin to baby talk. In the anime, she has a disturbing love of fireworks and can say a few words if they have something to do with explosives; she builds miniature catapults and launch platforms, and fills hollow fountain pens with gunpowder and uses them as bottle rockets. She plays a small part in the plot, but is mostly comic relief in the anime. In the game, it is revealed that the guardians &quot;fragment&quot; when they overexert themselves, and that the fragments take on a life of their own. Kogechibi is a fragment of Eve. <br /> <br /><br />