



Mr. Stewart is a character that appears in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is a human government agent who worked undercover as a school teacher at Station Square Elementary School, his assignment being to watch Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends by the President under the code name &quot;Chalkboard Charlie&quot;. After disregarding his superiors&#039; orders, however, Stewart got moved to other assignments which would intertwine with Sonic and his friends&#039; future adventures.<br /> <br /> (Source: The Sonic Wiki)<br /><br />





Mr. Stewart is a character that appears in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is a human government agent who worked undercover as a school teacher at Station Square Elementary School, his assignment being to watch Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends by the President under the code name &quot;Chalkboard Charlie&quot;. After disregarding his superiors&#039; orders, however, Stewart got moved to other assignments which would intertwine with Sonic and his friends&#039; future adventures.<br /> <br /> (Source: The Sonic Wiki)<br /><br />