Dauros and his fellow Decepticon Pretenders crash-landed on Earth during the Stone Age, while attempting to escape a pursuing crew of Autobots led by Metalhawk. Seeking to conquer the planet through fear, the Decepticons used their Pretender powers to take on the shapes of unearthly creatures and terrorized burgeoning humanity with their monstrous forms. While battling the Autobots down through the ages, the Decepticons gave rise to many myths and legends; specifically, in Dauros's case, his rampages in Ancient Greece resulted in the tale of the Minotaur. Eventually, the Decepticon Pretenders were defeated by the Autobots and sealed away, with Dauros being entombed underground, beneath the Nazca Lines of Peru. In the present day, however, the evil alien entity Devil Z has liberated Dauros and his fellow Pretenders to play a role in his evil plans for humans and Transformers alike.<br /> <br /> Dauros's love of the smell of gunpowder led him to become the explosions expert of the Decepticon forces. If there's an unexplained explosion anywhere in human history, odds are Dauros had a hand in it. But he's not just good for blowing things up: he's also physically the strongest of the three Decepticon Pretenders, and always up for a fight. Naturally, he thinks that means he ought to be in charge, and as such, he doesn't get along very well with self-appointed leader Blood. He is constantly attempting to undermine Blood's authority, even though he never has very much luck, since Blood rarely takes him seriously. Dauros transforms into an assault tank which can burrow beneath the ground, and is also capable of flight. <br /> <br /> (Source: TF Wiki)<br /><br />