Phoenix is a member of the Autobot Pretender team led by Metalhawk, who crash-landed on Earth during the Stone Age while pursuing a group of Decepticon Pretenders through the Solar System. When the Decepticons used their Pretender powers to take on the forms of monsters and terrorized early Man, Phoenix and his allies responded in kind, adopting the forms of human beings and battling their enemies down through the ages. After inspiring many Earthly legends with their clashes over the years, Phoenix and the Autobots finally triumphed and sealed the Decepticons away, then elected to remain on Earth, living their human lives and guiding the evolution of human society and culture.<br /> <br /> If there's one thing that distinguishes Phoenix from his fellow Autobots, it's the fact that he never gets to really do much of anything. As the team's communications officer, he is well suited to the job he has in his human guise—that of a telecommunications engineer at a German airstrip—but as the only Autobot based in Europe, simple geography often makes him the odd 'bot out when his teammates are busy battling the Decepticons across Japan and America. The other Autobots are probably grateful for this on occasion, given Phoenix's annoying tendency to lecture them on the minutiae of his code-breaking hobby, but they're never sad to see him tear into the battlefield with his powerful Snake Rod whip, with which he can create powerful jet-streams.<br /> <br /> (Source: TF Wiki)<br /><br />