

Lander came to Earth during the Stone Age, when he and his fellow Autobot Pretenders crashed on the planet while in pursuit of a group of Decepticons. In order to more effectively hunt down the Decepticons, who had used their Pretender powers to take the forms of monsters, Lander and the Autobots adopted the forms of human beings, and battled their foes down through the ages, inspiring many classical Earthly legends in the process. When the Decepticons were finally defeated and sealed away, Lander and the others elected to remain on Earth, living in their human guises and guiding the evolution of human society.<br /> <br /> While his comrades found themselves touched by the beauty of Earth&#039;s natural environment, or the extent and complexity of mankind&#039;s emotion, Lander was particularly taken by one thing: humankind&#039;s great capacity for pleasure. In the present day, he lives in New York City, and fills his off-hours with the finer things in life&mdash;he collects wine, attends concerts, and loves, above all else... the ladies. Despite his man-about-town lifestyle, Lander would never shirk his Autobot duties in favour of the fairer sex, but when he is called upon for a mission, it&#039;s a very rare thing to find him not in the company of one of his many lady-friends.<br /> <br /> Lander is physically the strongest of the Autobot Pretenders, although he&#039;s not the most proficient soldier amongst the group, with combat skills that could only be described as &quot;competent&quot;. His talents lie in both the mechanical and natural worlds&mdash;he is a five-star engineer, and an expert geologist. <br /> <br /> (Source: TF Wiki)<br /><br />