Rey, a Force-sensitive human female, was a scavenger who lived on the forlorn frontier world of Jakku during the era of the New Republic. In 34 ABY, events drew her away from her homeworld and into the galactic conflict between the First Order and the Resistance. Though initially unaware of her connection to the Force, Rey's powers would manifest during the waning days of the cold war, consequently leading her on the path to becoming a Jedi under the guidance of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.<br /> <br /> Born in 15 ABY, Rey spent much of her time in solitude eking out a life as a scavenger and mechanic in the Jakku desert. Abandoned by her parents at an early age, she learned to survive without a family by scavenging various materials from the battlefield of the last conflict in the Galactic Civil War, all the while honing her skills as a warrior and pilot. Her solitary life was interrupted, however, when the hunt for Skywalker brought the First Order and the Resistance to Jakku. Compelled to help the Resistance, Rey befriended the astromech droid BB-8 and a renegade stormtrooper named Finn, as well as the war veterans Han Solo and Chewbacca. She also found a nemesis in Kylo Ren, the son of Han Solo who fell to the dark side of the Force and became a champion of the First Order.<br /> <br />