

Flower: Lily Magnolia. Represents a love of nature.<br /> <br /> Reincarnated as: Alice Sakaguchi.<br /> <br /> Mokuren was the team&#039;s biologist. She was a gorgeous woman with long blonde hair. All of the male scientists except Shion fell in love with her after attending her final performance as a Kiches Sarjalian on Shia, before leaving for ZKK-101. She has been obsessed with Earth since her childhood and longed to live among the humans she observed. Mokuren was a special and extremely rare subset of Sarches, psychics, known as a &quot;Kiches Sarjalian&quot;. Kiches are blessed with the gifts of growth by the goddess Sarjalim. The word &quot;Kiche&quot; is used to refer to the mark on her forehead, which consists of four red dots. A Kiches powers manifest themselves as plant empathy and plant growth through song at a young age, and eventually even human empathy and healing at a very old age and high level of experience.<br /> <br /> (Source: Wikipedia)<br /><br />