Soushisouai Note The Animation

Based on the manga by Fukudahda. Asoka Madoka is invited to karaoke by her friends where she is introduced to Miyamoto who she happens to know from before. The two other girls depart with two other boys. Then, Asoka and Miyamota make out, rent a love hotel, and do what needs to be done. Ai-chan is a girl who happens to be into a smell fetish who likes Namikawa. After school, when there is no one around, the two of them have some fun.


Based on the manga by Fukudahda. Asoka Madoka is invited to karaoke by her friends where she is introduced to Miyamoto who she happens to know from before. The two other girls depart with two other boys. Then, Asoka and Miyamota make out, rent a love hotel, and do what needs to be done. Ai-chan is a girl who happens to be into a smell fetish who likes Namikawa. After school, when there is no one around, the two of them have some fun.





👁️ 739  💬 12

用戶1  3小時前


👁️ 738  💬 10

用戶2  1小時前
