The first animated version of "Siamese Cat," a classic work by famous Monkey Punch. The government secretly organizes a counter-terrorism eradication unit under the Cabinet Research Office to combat the frequent terrorist crimes in Tokyo in the early 21st century. Jun and Naomi, who work as DJs for a popular radio show, team up under the code name "Siamese Cats" to gather information and calm down incidents more quickly than the police or military.
The first animated version of "Siamese Cat," a classic work by famous Monkey Punch. The government secretly organizes a counter-terrorism eradication unit under the Cabinet Research Office to combat the frequent terrorist crimes in Tokyo in the early 21st century. Jun and Naomi, who work as DJs for a popular radio show, team up under the code name "Siamese Cats" to gather information and calm down incidents more quickly than the police or military.
Amamiya is kawaii!