This sci-fi story centers around Ricky, a Zero Man raised by humans in Tokyo. Zero Men are very similar to humans, but their intelligence and strength is far greater, while also sharing similar characteristics to squirrels. When Ricky finds out that the Zero Men are planning to go to war with the human race, it’s up to him to try and put a stop to the conflict and save his adopted family. (Source: Lost Media Wiki)
This sci-fi story centers around Ricky, a Zero Man raised by humans in Tokyo. Zero Men are very similar to humans, but their intelligence and strength is far greater, while also sharing similar characteristics to squirrels. When Ricky finds out that the Zero Men are planning to go to war with the human race, it’s up to him to try and put a stop to the conflict and save his adopted family. (Source: Lost Media Wiki)
Amamiya is kawaii!